1. Usually, there are many ways to translate a block of C code into assembly.
It is always a good idea that you stick with your own way. Please translate
the following code blocks into MIPS, where our convention is as follows: $S0
stores integer x; $S1 stores integer y.
if (x>y+5) then x=x+y else y=x-y;
while (x>y+5) {x--; x--; y++}
for (x=1; x<y; x++) {x=x+5; y++}
2. Let arrA be an array of 6 integers. Write a MIPS program that
a. read from keyboard the content of the array: 2, -10, 3, -9, -7, 23.
b. find the second largest number in the array.
c. print the number out.
Please run your program on the si,ulator and make sure it indeed works.
3. You may use either textbook or internet resources to answer the following
question. Consider the instruction addi $S0, $S1, 18. Of course, I can use
other constants in place of the 18. What is the minimal number I can use to
replace the 18?
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